Explore Lab Write-Up Blog

1. What question were you trying to answer and why?
 We and our team were trying to find which changes were examples of chemical and which changes were examples of physical.
2. What did you do during your investigation and why did you conduct your investigation in this way?
What we did was add salt to water with beakers and using a weight measuring thing to find how much salt we needed. For the copper wire, we used a bunson burner and matches to heat it up. For the baking soda and hydrolic, we used beakers for this too and a dropper. Lastly, for the Sodium Hydroxide and CO2 we used another dropper and beaker. We conducted this way because it was more easier and similar and to get more accurate results.
3: What is your claim, evidence, and reasoning?
Claim: For our changes of chemical, they were the copper wire, baking soda/hydrochloric , and the 5 drops of sodium hydroxide/CO2. The changes of physical are Pafferin and Salt/Water.
Evidence: Starting with the salt/water; the salt dissolved/dissapeared in the water. Copper wire/BunsonBurner; it lost the usual copper color of orange and now looks more black. 5 drops of sodium hydroxide(CO2); it made big glomps. Baking soda/Hydrolic; gas came out and it fizzed. Lastly the Purraifin; was a white solid then turn back into water and turned back to a solid after it was off the burner.
Salt/Water was a physical change, because still was just salt and water.
Copper wire effect was a chemical change, because it changed color and remained the color, which was something new.
5 drops of sodium hydroxide(CO2) was a chemical change, as it became a solid. 
Baking soda and hydrolic was a chemical change, because it became a gas instead of a liquid.
Parrafin was a physical change, as it reverted to a liquid but went back to solid which was its original form.


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